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Artist Book Series

Artist Book I
​​“Seasons of Human Life”

This book is to express the changes of human life.  I scrapped different colors of magazine pages and cut them in different shapes to display each season, and on the other side, I covered with different figures of human.  




Artist Book II
“The Seasons”

This is a handmade book by using woodblock print making technique. Some images were printed on the fabric and some were on rice papers, then I connected them like accordion. I tried to represent our life story through this project. 


Artist Book III
"Life of Women"​​

I made this book with a full of my history. I sorted photos of my young age and the recent days. The book is filled with personal photos, but I wished that the readers to have common feeling and empathy of a journey of life. I focused at the similar and common situation of women. We spend our childhood with the parents until we meet someone and get married and raise children and get old...

I used a blander marker to transfer my pictures onto the Japanese and Korean papers.

In addition, I chose a rice roll mat for the frame of my book and this mat reminds me the life of my young age because my mom used to make rice rolls, and now I make rice rolls for my children occasionally. Turning kitchen utensil into art pieces was an interesting try for me.

Artist Book IV
" My Daily Life"

My daily Life is about my daily routine. I used a similar method as "Life of Women" I drew pictures of my daily life by hand stitching on the momigamy paper. Then I rolled them in the rice roll mat. I wound color threads on the empty spot of the mat. The thread implies a connection with my past and the present and the family

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